Business Blog Community UK Employee Happiness Statistics 2022

UK Employee Happiness Statistics 2022


It’s no secret that happy employees lead to a more productive and successful company. In fact, employee satisfaction is now being viewed as one of the most important indicators of a company’s overall success.

Since the start of Covid-19, the number of people globally experiencing isolation and job dissatisfaction had reached numbers that had never been seen before.

This is why UK companies are starting to focus on improving employee happiness as part of their business strategy. In this report, we will explore the current state of employee happiness in the UK, and look at some of the most notable statistics which are currently shaping the country.

Jobs With The Happiest Employees in UK

Jobs which presented the highest level of satisfaction and happiness were more towards a senior role.

Jobs with the happiest employees in the UK

  • The happiest employees belonged to the roles of: customer success manager, sales representative and audit manager (source).

Are UK Employees Happy

Overall, UK employees are happier than the start of Covid-19.

  • UK places 12th in the world in terms of employee satisfaction, with 74% of employees feeling very satisfied (source).
  • Around 33.33% (one in three) UK employees are unhappy (source).
  • Only 22% of individuals ages 18-24 are happy with work (source).
  • Up to 57% pfpeople aged 25-40 are happy with work (source).

What Would UK Employees Do To Be Happy

Despite an increase in cost of living, UK employees are willing to take a hit to their wallets to be happier.

  • The average UK employee is willing to take a 10.5% pay cut to receive above average happiness, with a score of 75/100 representing above average and 65/100 being average (source).
  • Around 34% of UK employees would prefer to be unemployed than unhappy (source).

Why Are UK Employees Unhappy At Work

There are multiple reasons for unhappiness at work, but the amount of workload easily takes the number spot for causation. The top three responses were:

  • Around 76% of employees say workload is the cause of stress and unhappiness at work.
  • Around 35% of employees say lack of control is the cause of stress and unhappiness at work.
  • Around 26% of employees say lack of support is the cause of stress and unhappiness at work (source).

Causes of unhappiness at work.

How Did Covid-19 Impact Employee Happiness

Covid-19 changed everyone's perspective on what they value the most and what is important to them.

For some, working from home has been a dream come true whilst others have found the complete opposite. The biggest change that Covid-19 brought was the way in which we work and how our workplace functions.

  • Around 25% of UK employees reflected on their career choice due to the pandemic (source).
  • About 91% of people planning on leaving their role place happiness as an important factor in their next job.
  • After facing the peak of the pandemic, 50% of UK workers feel more inclined to make changes in their career while seeking happiness.

Employee Happiness Impacted by Energy Levels

An energetic employee will be productive and feel satisfied with their job. However the opposite end of the spectrum will impact performance, and ultimately happiness.

  • UK workers are experiencing reduced productivity, with 49% (one in two) reporting to be fatigued (source).
  • Happy workers are 13% more productive. An energetic and happy employee will contribute significantly more and experience greater job satisfaction (source).

There is no clear-cut correlation on why employees are feeling tired, but it is safe to assume that some of this has derived from the many changes people have faced during Covid. Shifting to a complete digital world with no face-to-face interaction for a prolonged period had created new working habits, which has then created difficulty upon returning to the office.

Companies With The Unhappiest Employees

According to an anonymous job review website Blind, WeWork, JP Morgan and Symantec had the most unhappy employees. The number of unhappy employees for those companies were 70%, 69% and 68% respectively (source).

Companies with the unhappiest employees.

The Importance of Employee Happiness

A happier employee greatly benefits their team and the company. Not only is productivity increased, but quality of life is also benefited.

  • A happier employee can increase sales by up to 37% (source).
  • Up to 69% of employees will reject a job if they know the workers from that business are unhappy (source).
  • Happy employees take 10 times less sick leave than unhappy employees (source).

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